FST Filtrations-Separations-Technik


FST GmbH Filtrations- und Separations-Technik (hereafter FST) specialises in the field of industrial air and gas purification, a market segment with a growing demand for innovative, efficient and very cost-effective technical solutions that also protect resources and the environment. We not only sell these products, but also install them on a turnkey basis.

FST GmbH Filtrations-Separations-Technik (FST) specializes in the industrial processing of compressed air and industrial gases, a market segment with a growing need for innovative, efficient, cost-effective and environmentally friendly technical solutions that save resources.

FST categories

Contact us

RECTANA s.r.o.

  • Tloskovská 239,
    257 56 Neveklov
  • IČ: 06451179
    DIČ: CZ06451179

The company RECTANA s.r.o. is registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, Insert 282293.


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