Compressed air and gas treatment

We provide treatment of compressed air and industrial gases by filtration, drying and dehumidification of air and gases, as well as process filtration of gases and steam.

With the help of FST GmbH we ensure that you:

  • you are sure of the quality of your compressed air
  • achieve all compressed air purity classes according to ISO 8573-1
  • keep the quality of compressed air and other gases under control at all times

We offer a complete range of services for a wide range of applications. We can achieve all compressed air purity classes specified in ISO 8573-1.
The compressed air purity classes that can be achieved with the reliable equipment we supply range from standard instrument air or technical oil-free compressed air to sterile ultra-pure air or medical breathing air. Supported pressure ranges reach from vacuum over 16 bar up to 350 bar with flow rates up to 30,000 m³/h.

If any other requirement needs to be met, our design department can offer a solution – whether you need higher flow rates or operating pressures, customer-specific process technologies, approvals or specific materials.

FST GmbH categories


Compressed air filtration is an essential component of compressed air treatment. Compressed air filters remove all types of solid and liquid pollutants in stages, i.e. in the first stages, large amounts of condensate and coarse dirt particles such as rust, abrasion particles, oil droplets and dust are filtered out, and then fine oil mist and fine dust particles are removed. Compressed air filters containing activated carbon remove odors and oil vapors. Specific filters even remove viruses and germs to produce sterile compressed air.


Compressed air drying is an essential key part of the processing chain. The purpose of compressed air drying is to reduce the amount of moisture contained in the compressed air to a defined residual value. Compressed air dryers thoroughly eliminate the moisture and thus produce dry compressed air in which condensation no longer occurs either in the compressed air system or in the compressed air application.

Oil vapour removal

Oil vapour is a “condensed” gaseous compressor oil that develops primarily at high temperatures during compression processes. In addition, oil vapor is hydrocarbons that are drawn from the ambient air by the compressor, generated by the gear mechanism, or developed in the compressed air system as a result of evaporation.

Oil vapour is the second largest vapour phase in compressed air and, in addition to moisture, has a high potential for condensation – in the case of oil vapour, condensation to liquid oil.

Activated carbon oil vapour adsorbers bind oil vapour to activated carbon and therefore reduce the oil vapour content of the compressed air to minimum residual values. In addition, activated carbon vapor adsorbers remove a number of other hydrocarbons.


Cooling is required in any compressed air system. In most cases, an aftercooler is already built into the compressor unit to cool the high outlet temperatures (approximately 70°C to 120°C) to suitable application temperatures (approximately 25°C to 35°C).

However, if there is no compressed air aftercooler in the compressor or if the existing cooling is insufficient for subsequent cleaning processes that require lower compressed air temperatures for energy efficient and economical operation, the air is required to be “aftercooled” by a compressed air cooler.

Breathing air

In order to produce breathing air, not only particles, water, moisture, oil and oil vapour are removed from the compressed air to a high degree, but also harmful gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxide (NOx) ) and sulphur dioxide (SO2) are reduced to specified residual values while respecting the required oxygen (O2) content.

Condensate treatment

The condensate cleaning process is used to clean the condensate of dirt, oil and hydrocarbons. The condensate can then be discharged into the wastewater system, river or lake in an environmentally friendly manner.

Service and maintenance

Service and maintenance of compressed air systems, especially filters and adsorption dryers, are an essential part of industrial maintenance. The aim is to continuously maintain the required and necessary cleanliness of the compressed air as well as efficiency, economic operation and operational reliability throughout the lifetime of the compressed air treatment system.

What is the correct way to measure compressed air?

More information

Contact us

RECTANA s.r.o.

  • Tloskovská 239,
    257 56 Neveklov
  • IČ: 06451179
    DIČ: CZ06451179

The company RECTANA s.r.o. is registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, Insert 282293.


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